Super slow performance of sonarscanner


Originated from: Super slow performance of sonarscanner · Issue #5581 · SonarSource/sonar-dotnet · GitHub

I’m trying to run SonarQube analysis on fairly small .net project (<40 source files). The analysis take ages to complete (already running >4h on small container and > 1h on full blown Mac). I remember on Sonar 8 running analysis on the same project using the same resources took ~1-2mins.

SonarScanner for MSBuild 5.5.3
SonarQube Community Edition Version 8.9.7
Quality Profile: Sonar way (default)
.NET Framework Version: net6.0

I can send the project sources I’m using for deeper analysis - but don’t want to attach them publicly :wink:

Best regards,
Michał Latoszek

Hi @Latoch,

Thank you for reporting this. I’ll create a private thread to share the reproducer.

We now have the reproducer project. We’ll investigate.

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Hi @Latoch,

I’m sorry for answering so late. I’ve tried to reproduce the problem with the code Pavel shared but it cannot be compiled. The csproj file references another file that is not provided.

Could you please take a look and see if all the code files are included?
