SourceLink breaks coverage report generation

ALM used


CI system used

GitHub Actions

Scanner command used when applicable (private details masked)

Installed dotnet version is:

dotnet-install: Installed version is 7.0.100

Relevant workflow config:

    - name: Install sonar scanners
      run: |
        dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner
    - name: Sonarqube begin
      run: |
        dotnet-sonarscanner begin \
        -o:myorg \
        -k:${{ env.SONAR_KEY }} \
        -d:sonar.login=${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }} \
        -d:sonar.verbose=true \
        -v:${{ env.GITVERSION_FULLSEMVER }} \
        -s:${{ github.workspace }}/SonarQube.Analysis.xml
    - name: Build
      run: |
        dotnet build \
        --no-restore \
        --no-incremental \
        --configuration Release \
        -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true \
    - name: Test
      run: |
        dotnet test \
        --no-restore \
        --settings coverlet.runsettings \
        --logger trx
    - name: Sonarqube end
      run: |
        dotnet-sonarscanner end \
        -d:sonar.login="${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}"

Scanner config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SonarQubeAnalysisProperties xmlns="">
  <Property Name=""></Property>
  <Property Name="sonar.cs.vstest.reportsPaths">**/*.trx</Property>
  <Property Name="sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths">**/coverage.opencover.xml</Property>

Languages of the repository

  • C#

Error observed

Coverage is skipped and no test and coverage results are uploaded to

11:11:23.407 INFO: Sensor C# Tests Coverage Report Import [csharp]
11:11:23.408 DEBUG: Analyzing coverage with wildcardPatternFileProvider with base dir '/home/runner/work/my-project/my-project/.' and file separator '/'.
11:11:23.409 DEBUG: Pattern matcher extracted prefix/absolute path '/home/runner/work/my-project/my-project/.' from the given pattern '**/*opencover.xml'.
11:11:23.410 DEBUG: Gathering files for wildcardPattern '**/*opencover.xml'.
11:11:23.423 DEBUG: Pattern matcher returns '2' files.
11:11:23.423 DEBUG: The current user dir is '/home/runner/work/my-project/my-project'.
11:11:23.424 INFO: Parsing the OpenCover report /home/runner/work/my-project/my-project/./CodeCoverage/_fv-az438-772_2023-03-07_11_10_50/In/fv-az438-772/coverage.opencover.xml
11:11:23.457 DEBUG: Did not find deterministic source path in ''. Will skip this coverage entry. Verify sonar.sources in .sonarqube\out\
11:11:23.458 DEBUG: CoveredFile created: (ID '1', path '', NO INDEXED PATH).
11:11:23.459 DEBUG: Did not find deterministic source path in ''. Will skip this coverage entry. Verify sonar.sources in .sonarqube\out\
11:11:23.460 DEBUG: CoveredFile created: (ID '2', path '', NO INDEXED PATH).
11:11:23.461 DEBUG: Did not find deterministic source path in ''. Will skip this coverage entry. Verify sonar.sources in .sonarqube\out\
11:11:23.462 DEBUG: CoveredFile created: (ID '3', path '', NO INDEXED PATH).
11:11:23.463 DEBUG: Skipping the file (ID '1', path '', NO INDEXED PATH), line '66', visitCount '3' because file is not indexed or does not have the supported language.
11:11:23.464 DEBUG: Skipping the file (ID '1', path '', NO INDEXED PATH), line '67', visitCount '3' because file is not indexed or does not have the supported language.
11:11:23.465 DEBUG: Skipping the file (ID '1', path '', NO INDEXED PATH), line '68', visitCount '2' because file is not indexed or does not have the supported language.
11:11:23.465 DEBUG: Skipping the file (ID '1', path '', NO INDEXED PATH), line '69', visitCount '1' because file is not indexed or does not have the supported language.
11:11:23.466 DEBUG: Skipping the file (ID '1', path '', NO INDEXED PATH), line '70', visitCount '3' because file is not indexed or does not have the supported language.
11:11:23.467 DEBUG: OpenCover parser: Skipping branch hits for file (ID '1', path '', NO INDEXED PATH), line '67', offset '14', visitCount '2' because file is not indexed or does not have the supported language.
11:11:23.467 DEBUG: OpenCover parser: Skipping branch hits for file (ID '1', path '', NO INDEXED PATH), line '67', offset '14', visitCount '1' because file is not indexed or does not have the supported language.

11:11:23.660 INFO: Adding this code coverage report to the cache for later reuse: /home/runner/work/my-project/my-project/./CodeCoverage/ff090159-017d-437e-9b70-355c09cf120d/coverage.opencover.xml
11:11:23.660 DEBUG: Analyzing coverage after aggregate found '0' coverage files.
11:11:23.661 DEBUG: The total number of file count statistics is '0'.
11:11:23.661 INFO: Sensor C# Tests Coverage Report Import [csharp] (done) | time=254ms
11:11:23.661 INFO: Sensor C# Unit Test Results Import [csharp]
11:11:23.662 DEBUG: Pattern matcher extracted prefix/absolute path '/home/runner/work/my-project/my-project/.' from the given pattern '**/*.trx'.
11:11:23.662 DEBUG: Gathering files for wildcardPattern '**/*.trx'.
11:11:23.670 DEBUG: Pattern matcher returns '1' files.
11:11:23.679 DEBUG: The current user dir is '/home/runner/work/my-project/my-project'.
11:11:23.680 INFO: Parsing the Visual Studio Test Results file '/home/runner/work/my-project/my-project/./CodeCoverage/_fv-az438-772_2023-03-07_11_10_50.trx'.
11:11:23.682 DEBUG: Parsed Visual Studio Test Times - duration: 6497.
11:11:23.684 DEBUG: Parsed Visual Studio Test Counters - total: 29, failed: 0, errors: 0, timeout: 0, aborted: 0, executed: 29.
11:11:23.687 INFO: Sensor C# Unit Test Results Import [csharp] (done) | time=26ms
11:11:23.688 INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor
11:11:23.707 INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=19ms

Steps to reproduce

Run the command while Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub is installed

      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub" Version="1.1.1">
        <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

Potential workaround

Remove the SourceLink package from the reproduce step.
Setting -p:DeterministicSourcePaths=true to false does not fix the problem.

Additional information

Hello @mrt181 - this path seems very strange.

We expect _ to appear in the path of deterministic source paths.

Essentially, the path is a web URL and it’s not a file on disk, thus our scanner gets confused.

Can you create a small reproducer project that we can clone and reproduce this behavior locally?

This reproduces: Danek Duvall / sonar-sourcelink · GitLab. I just followed for the source, and added the CI config.

For now, I’m just using sed to remove the portion of the URL which is GitLab-specific, and that seems to be enough for Sonar. But I’d love not to have to do that.

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Hello @dhduvall,

Thank you for the reproducer, unfortunately, it seems we cannot access or see the source code.
Can you make sure we can access it?

Thank you,

Whoops. I got confused by one of the project settings. It should be fully accessible now.


Hello @dhduvall,

I was able to reproduce the issue with your reproducer; thank you for that.

You used the option --use-source-link when invoking Coverlet. From my understanding, this will generate the coverage report using source link URIs instead of system paths, as mentioned in their documentation here.

Today, sonar-scanner does not support URIs as the source input for file coverage.

If possible, I suggest you drop the option --use-source-link when using Coverlet to generate the coverage report. It will generate the coverage report with file system paths instead of URIs.

I hope this will resolve your issue.

1 Like

You used the option --use-source-link when invoking Coverlet.

I see. I had conflated source link and deterministic source paths. And after much wrangling, I discover that coverlet doesn’t support deterministic paths with an opencover report format, so it’s kind of moot for Sonar, AFAIK.


Hello @dhduvall - did you open an issue to coverlet about this?

I did not (somewhat surprisingly). I’ve now found an existing one, though, which seems to be the right fit for this issue: Support deterministic reports · Issue #1075 · coverlet-coverage/coverlet · GitHub

Also: Switch to use relative paths in OpenCover report · Issue #1315 · coverlet-coverage/coverlet · GitHub. Those were the top two hits in issues, and sufficiently relevant I didn’t dig further.