SonarScanner 6.x: breaking change ''


There was a breaking change in scanner parameter

  • for SonarScanner CLI from v6.0, .NET from v7.0, and NPM from v4.0:
  • for older versions of the SonarScanner CLI, .NET, and NPM: http://localhost:9000
  • for execution with a local host, the parameter must now be set explicitly

Got the message below in LOG file:

06:50:43.753 INFO  Scanner configuration file: /home/runner/work/test/sonar-scanner- 06:50:43.756 INFO  Project root configuration file: /home/runner/work/integration-tests/testdata/boosttest_project/ 06:50:43.769 INFO  SonarScanner CLI
06:50:43.772 INFO  Java 17.0.12 Eclipse Adoptium (64-bit) 06:50:43.772 INFO  Linux 6.5.0-1025-azure amd64
06:50:43.779 DEBUG Scanner max available memory: 3 GB 06:50:43.797 DEBUG uname -m returned 'x86_64'
06:50:43.798 DEBUG Create: /home/runner/.sonar/cache 06:50:43.799 INFO  User cache: /home/runner/.sonar/cache 06:50:43.799 DEBUG Create: /home/runner/.sonar/cache/_tmp 06:50:44.107 DEBUG Loaded [413] system trusted certificates 06:50:44.253 INFO  JRE provisioning: os[linux], arch[x86_64] 06:50:44.279 DEBUG --> GET 06:50:45.445 DEBUG <-- 401 (1165ms, 83-byte body) 06:50:45.445 INFO  EXECUTION FAILURE
06:50:45.446 INFO  Total time: 1.694s
06:50:45.447 ERROR Error during SonarScanner CLI execution java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error status returned by url []: 401
	at org.sonarsource.scanner.lib.internal.http.ServerConnection.callUrl(
	at org.sonarsource.scanner.lib.internal.http.ServerConnection.callApi(
	at org.sonarsource.scanner.lib.internal.http.ServerConnection.callRestApi(
	at org.sonarsource.scanner.lib.internal.JavaRunnerFactory.getJreMetadata(
	at org.sonarsource.scanner.lib.internal.JavaRunnerFactory.getJreFromServer(
	at org.sonarsource.scanner.lib.internal.JavaRunnerFactory.createRunner(
	at org.sonarsource.scanner.lib.internal.ScannerEngineLauncherFactory.createLauncher(
	at org.sonarsource.scanner.lib.ScannerEngineBootstrapper.bootstrap(
	at org.sonarsource.scanner.cli.Main.analyze(
	at org.sonarsource.scanner.cli.Main.main(

Things should be improved:

  • There is no meaningful message in the LOG file, only an exception
  • Change is not easy to find in the documentation if you start looking on SonarScanner CLI page (SonarScanner CLI). On this page is no link to the parameter page (Analysis parameters).


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Hello @guwirth ,

Thanks for pointing this out,

We took a look at this and we indeed think we can (and will) improve how we communicate relevant changes in our scanner release notes.


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Hello @guwirth,
Thanks for your input. We’ve created an internal ticket to improve the SonarScanner CLI page in Sonar docs.

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