SonarQube with REST API

Hi Team,

In SonarQube do we have the REST APIs that would allow us to retrieve some kind a ‘result’ after a scan has completed.

We wanted to have a curl command that would retrieve this data from SonarQube after the scan has completed in the scanning stage of the pipeline.

Could you please help on this.


Hi @nagaraj.koppa ,

hmm there is a endpoint that you could use for this: /api/ce/task?id=$YOUR_TASK_ID this will return a JSON Object where you can check the status of the task. you can find more information about this endpoint in your sonarqube instance :

If you are using our Jenkins Plugin then there is also the waitForQualityGate option that you could utilize

hope that helps

Hi Tobias,

Is any sample example , how can we use curl command that retrieves some data on the last scan.

We are looking for curl command.

Can you provide some details.


Hi @nagaraj.koppa ,

as documented here you will have to use http basic auth preferably with a token. Also you will need to extract the TASK_ID from your CI run using whatever methode you like (i don’t know your tooling).

After that you can get information about the specific run like this:

curl --user $YOUR_USER_TOKEN: $SONARQUBE_FQDN/api/ce/task?id=$YOUR_TASK_ID

the answer will be a json with information about this specific task

Hi Tobias,

We are using the Jenkins, Gitlab and SonarQube.

How can we get the TASK_ID ?


The task ID is printed after the scan execution, but if you are using jenkins anyway, you really should use our jenkins plugin and the with clause that i described in my previous post. this will result in exactly what you want without the usage of curl and custom scripting