Sonarqube sonar-scanner sometime takes 40GB memory

When I use sonar-scanner to scan some open-source component, it sometimes take my sever about 40GB memory, is it a normal phenomenon?What is taking up such a large amount of memory, can I block this part of the scan to reduce consumption?

  • What version of SonarQube are you using?
  • What open source component are you scanning?
  • Where do you see that 40 GB of memory is being used?

I am using sonarqube 9.5, and this picture is one of this situation. I have not recorded the specific open source components. If this happens next time, I will record it. So is it a normal phenomenon?

It’s not normal.

  • I would suggest making sure you’re using the latest version of the scanner (v4.7)
  • Check to see if you have any environment variables that might be passing a high min/max heap value to all Java processes.