Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):
- Community Edition Version 8.3.1
- TeamCity Enterprise 2020.2.2
- Teamcity Tool: SonarScanner for MSBuild
- Goal: Getting authors (developers) from Git to SonarQube authors for filtering
- What have you tried so far to achieve this:
To do this, I’ve updated the SCM provider on SonarQube project settings as “git”. After that TeamCity got an error mentioned below. If I remove the “git” keyword from the SCM provider TeamCity could work but the authors not showing in SonarQube.
[Step 4/4] ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
[Step 4/4] INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Step 4/4] ERROR: Not inside a Git work tree: F:\TeamcityAgent3\work\580efa6627ad3e98
[Step 4/4] ERROR:
[Step 4/4] The SonarQube Scanner did not complete successfully
[Step 4/4] 17:26:00.3 Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1
[Step 4/4] Process exited with code 1
[Step 4/4] Process exited with code 1 (Step: SonarQube End (SonarScanner for MSBuild: finish analysis))
[Step 4/4] Step SonarQube End (SonarScanner for MSBuild: finish analysis) failed