I am currently using SonarQube Enterprise version 8.9.5 (working on upgrading soon, I promise) and was wondering if there is an option to export code smells into a report, such as a .csv or .pdf file? I am only seeing reporting for security findings, such as vulnerabilities or hotspots. I looked through the docs for reporting, but did not find anything for code smells specifically. Thanks in advance for the help!
When I saw your parenthetical, I admonished myself not to nag, but this is going to sound like a nag anyway.
In current versions of Enterprise Edition there are built-in, project-level reports, including the “regulatory report”, which has a list of all issues.
There’s no reporting that’s limited to Code Smells, though. If you want only and specifically that you’ll still have to build it yourself, whatever version you’re on.