I’m just starting off.
I would like to have static code analysis shown on my Pull requests in bitbucket.
Also CI integration with Baboo.
Installed Community Edition 7.3.
Can I use Pull Request Reviews with the CE edition?
Which Bitbucket/GIT/ Bamboo plugins should I use.
Is it possible to get all this for free? If not which are the best licensed products to use?
From a SonarQube () perspective the analysis of branches and pull requests is only available starting from the Developer Edition . In terms of reporting issues back to the Pull-Requst, SonarQube natively supports GitHub Enterprise and TFS.
So with the developer edition, How would I set it up for a PR decoration with my project on bitbucket? Looking for some better explaintion as I am new to this. I have a project that already scans with the community edition, but we want to scan during the pull request hence the developer edition. Just want a guide in terms of doing that as I am lost at the moment with this haha
with that SonarQube installation, configure PR decoration for Bitbucket Server, using the Pull Request Analysis documentation
You’d then benefit from SonarQube directly analyzing and decorating your Pull Requests! (and you can always raise a distinct thread on that very forum if any specific configuration question)
Thanks for the fast reply!
So the license of that edition is set up, I have done the pull request analysis steps from that documentation all on the SQ UI side. Do I do anything on BitBucket as well? Besides point to this project within SQ with the parameters?
I’m not familiar with the details of Bitbucket Server PR decoration configuration, but based on the documentation there are no specifics on that side, other than making sure you run a compatible version:
Minimum BitBucket Server version 5.15
For the rest I would then recommend trying/iterating!
so I have this showing now, but the server connects, and My parameters checkout to be correct. any suggestions? also, once this is complete, in terms of the image above, will that show on bitbucket, the quality report?
Hey Nicolas,
Do you think thie pull request decoration can be implemented in Bitbucket Data Center version? we did tried but no use. Just wanted to check if this feature works only for Bitbucket server version?