I am trying to configure a TFS build (CI) server to work with our existing SonarQube server that our Java teams are using, but no to scan C# and dot net code. We are running TFS 2015 Update 4, but plan to upgrade to TFS 2018 in the next few months.
Our SonarQube version is Version 6.7.4 (build 38452).
I have downloaded the SonarQube Extension 3.0. But I have a question on the Installation, based on this document. https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SCAN/SonarQube%2BExtension%2B3.0
In the Installation Section it wants to make sure we have .NET Framework v4.5.2+ and Java Runtime Environment 8 installed.
It did not say where those get installed. Do they get installed on the TFS server or they installed on the Build server that will be running the TFS agent to trigger the builds?
Thanks for your help
Must-share information:
- which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
- what are you trying to achieve
- what have you trie_emphasized textd so far to achieve this_W