- which versions are you using
- SonarQube: Developer Edition Version 8.0 (build 29455)
- sonar.version:
- jacoco-maven-plugin.version: 0.8.5
- maven.surefire.version: 3.0.0-M5
- what are you trying to achieve: PR decoration on GitHub Enterprise
- what have you tried so far to achieve this
- Set the following in the properties of the sonar profile in pom.xml:
- sonar.host.url
- sonar.pullrequest.github.repository
- java.version: 1.8
- Pass the following arguments in the Jenkins file when executing Sonar:
- -Dsonar.login=${sonar_token} // This value is defined in the Jenkins server and is static
- -Dsonar.scm.revisions=${GIT_COMMIT}
- -Dsonar.pullrequest.key=${env.CHANGE_ID}
- -Dsonar.pullrequest.branch=${env.CHANGE_BRANCH}
- -Dsonar.pullrequest.base=${env.BASE_BRANCH}
- Set the following in the properties of the sonar profile in pom.xml:
The above settings along with the correct Jenkins setup lead to Sonar running every time a new PR is opened in the project. A little over half the time the “Checks” tab in the PR on GitHub Enterprise shows the Sonar check as pending even days and days later. The rest of the time the decoration shows as expected.
I’m at rather a loss as to what is causing the issue given that sometimes we get exactly what we expect but others we don’t. I have looked through the past 13 PRs including the one where we added automatic builds of PRs with a SonarQube check. I can find no pattern as to when it will or won’t work other than it almost being every other time that the decoration doesn’t show.