Sonarqube not indexing xml files starting with “.” (Period)

Hello Team,

I’m using sonarqube 8.9, we have observed that the xml files starting with period were ignored during the analysis.

This is related to same issue reported here:SonarQube 6.7.5 Not Indexing xml files starting with "." (Period) - #5 by georgehipp

Is this still a feature? If yes, how can we ensure that these files are scanned?
Kindly advise.

Thanks in advance!!

Hello @Ramya_Yarru,

Are you in the same situation as the other user trying to scan Adobe AEM Projects/Code and so are you trying to scan .content.xml files?
Do you confirm that the XML files starting with a dot are written by developers or are they generated by a tool?


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Hello @Alexandre_Gigleux

Exactly, we are also trying to scan Adobe AEM code wherein .content.xml files were being ignored.

And these files are being created by developers in most cases.

Thanks in advance !!

Thanks for the clarification.

Here is the ticket to follow our progress on the topic: SONARXML-147.


Thank you @Alexandre_Gigleux !!

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