SonarQube migration from 8.9.10 to 9.9.7 hangs on dropping custom metrics data from ‘live_measures

database migration from sonarqube-8.9.10 to sonarqube-9.9.7 hangs on Drop custom metrics data from ‘live_measures’ table’…

Using sonarqube-8.9.10
Deployed with .zip
Trying to upgrade from sonarqube-8.9.10 to sonarqube-9.9.7 but hangs with this message:

2024.11.13 13:56:19 INFO web[DbMigrations] Executing DB migrations…
2024.11.13 13:56:19 INFO web[DbMigrations] #6003 ‘Drop custom metrics data from ‘live_measures’ table’…

The longest we let it run was 15 minutes. We tried truncating the table so there would be nothing to upgrade. Still hangs, anyone else have this issue?

for the database connection - We switched from Kerberos to NTLM auth to resolve the issue.

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