Hi @moksha ,
These are the options I see:
- Merge 8.3 DE with your 8.9 DE instance.
- Please reference How to consolidate multiple SonarQube instances for more details if you want to merge your 8.3 Developer Edition with your 8.9 Developer Edition.
- Use Project Move to move just one or many projects between your 2 SonarQube instances, instead of all the projects and settings.
- This requires Enterprise Edition or higher, so this may not be an option for you.
- See section 4. Project Data in the link above for more details.
- Drop all the data in 8.3 DE and focus only on using 8.9 DE
- This is probably the easiest way to move forward, but if you insist on keeping that old data, then you should consider upgrading to Enterprise Edition.
- Manually update your project’s false positives in your 8.9 DE based on 8.3 DE
* Not a great option but if you don’t have many things to update, this is an option.
Please let me know what you think.