SonarQube interface is very slow after updating to 10.4.1

Hi there,
We’re facing issue with SonarQube which is very slow since update to 10.4.1 (we don’t have this issue on 10.4.0). Pages are very slow to load.
Disk spaces are OK and the virual machine has 8GB and 4vCPU
After reboot, all is ok but performance decrease quite fast during the day

Any idea ?

We’re on Developer Edition deployed by zip.

Hey there.

Do you see anything in the logs?

I don’t know where to find things. we’re on info level so no too much details…
This morning our pipeline took 50 min to build for normally 20-25 min.(the machine was rebooted before)
Sonar analysis took 25 min… amazing… never seen that before :frowning:

It’s impacting us now a lot. Please how can I investigate on what’s going on ?

Hey there.

These sound like two rather separate issues – you mentioned the Web UI in your first post, but not analysis is taking longer.

You could revert to SonarQube v10.4.0 – this would help us know if it’s really an issue with v10.4.1 or another issue with your setup.

yeah but maybe, the hole application is impacted from the same issue…
I will try to revert the version

We have reverted to 10.4.0 for few days now, and it’s definitely better. no performance issues now, pipeline and web interface too

I’m not sure what to make of that. All that changed in SonarQube v10.4.1 was SONAR-21655, and that should have prevented performance issues, not caused them.

Sure but facts are here.
We still have some UI latency sometimes but nothing compares with 10.4.1.
Tell me if I can help you with logs or something else…

What database is backing your SonarQube server (Postgres, Oracle, SQL Server…?)

MSSQL 2019 Standard Edition

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