Sonarqube integration with QT IDE


Does sonarqube have any plugin to be integrated with QT IDE. Like we used to have eclipse sonar plugin which used to scan the code build in java on the fly. Similar way we want to have code build in C++ using QT IDE to be scan using sonarqube at run time.
Any help would be appreciated.

Ankit Vashistha

Hi Ankit, welcome to the Community!

I suspect here you are talking about SonarLint, our product that integrates with some of the most popular IDEs: Eclipse, Visual Studio, VS Code and IntelliJ.

Your QT projects written in C++ code can be scanned by SonarQube, no problem. But SonarLint, which enables in-IDE analysis, does not integrate with QT Creator (the official name of QT’s Development Environment).

Hope it’s clear, best regards,

Hi Daniel,

Yes I was talking about SonarLint only which enables in-IDE analysis. And thanks for your reply

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