Sonarqube integration for python application

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Hi All,

I am running sonarqube community edition 8.7.1 hosted in kubernetes. I am planning to integrate sonarqube with python application. Unable to find any good reference blogs can you please help me.
Below is the snippet i have written for code checkout.

pipeline {
agent { docker { image ‘python:3.10.7-alpine’ } }
stages {
stage(‘build’) {
steps {
sh ‘python --version’
stage(‘code checkout’) {
steps {
git branch: ‘san’, credentialsId: ‘jenkins’, url: ‘’

Can anyone help me with the snippet for python application.

Hey there.

Does your existing pipeline already work for your Python application? That will be the first step – having a consistent build that works without SonarQube involved.

At that point, you’ll want to involve the SonarScanner for Jenkins