Sonarqube - Gitlab CI/CD on pre-existing projects

You were right - I was able to find the project settings and get the platform integration details set. However, I noticed something interesting and was wondering if you could help clarify:

I saw on another thread Unable to use merge request decoration - #7 by Alexis that they were only able to get the MR annotations working after they took out all the -Dsonar options when running the CLI scanner. I went and removed these options and put all of them into the properties file and was able to get the MR annotations. However, I set up another project in Gitlab but left the -Dsonar options in this project but the MR annotations didn’t work. The setup, and integration is the same between all the projects, except the presence of these -Dsonar options. Is there some truth to this thread, or was there something else I was missing?