SonarQube for IDE: VS Code 4.15 - Ansible playbooks analysis and analyzers updates

Dear VS Code community,

We are excited to announce that Version 4.15 of SonarQube for VS Code is now available!

If you are using a paid plan on a SonarQube Server in connected mode, you can now take advantage of the iac-enterprise plugin. This plugin offers additional analysis possibilities for infrastructure-as-code including the analysis of Ansible playbook files.

Furthermore, this version includes updates to the analyzers for .NET, Python, Java, HTML, PHP, and SonarText Notably:

  • The new version of the .Net significantly optimizes memory allocation, resulting in memory usage reduction during registration and fixes various false positives.
  • The new version of the Python analyzer fixes various false positives and a performance issue during symbol analysis
  • Finally, the new version of the SonarText analyzer is bringing many fixes to the current rules. See here for more information.

You can find the release notes here.



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