SonarQube for IDE crash VS Code when I open a JavaScript file

  • Operating system: Windows 10 Pro
  • SonarLint plugin version: 4.14.1
  • Programming language you’re coding in: C#, SQL, HTML, CSS e JavaScript.
  • Is connected mode used: Yes
    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version): SonarQube 10.7
  • LoC: 150k

VS Code is closed when I open a JavaScript file.

My memory grows up until max and the IDE is closed.

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Hey there.

What would be ideal is if you could get the logs when this happens, and share them here.

Hello Colin.

Here’s the logs and prints.

SonarQube for IDE (61.7 KB)

Hello Guys!

Can you help me with this issue?

Hello @danilogeodados

Thank you for your logs. As I can see, our JS/TS analyzer is crashing during analysis of this file.
I see you said in the initial message that file size is 150 000 lines of code? Is it correct?

If it’s the case, then side note - it’s a very big file. If it’s not a generated code, you might want to split it into smaller files.

Regarding the crash.

  • Our JS/TS analyzer is tested to work with 130k LOC file, so it can digest such big files but it depends. If it’s a single program in the one file, normally it should be good. If it’s a file of this size that is a part of the bigger program and it has calls and references to things defined in other files - then yes, it may be too big for the analyzer.
  • To proceed with investigation I think it would be very valuable to provide the reproducer project (or a single file, if it’s enough). It would tremendously help us to pinpoint and fix the issue.

Meanwhile as a workaround you can do two things:

  1. Exclude this specific file from analysis
  2. Try to split it into several files of a smaller size

Hope it helps.

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