Thank you for your logs. As I can see, our JS/TS analyzer is crashing during analysis of this file.
I see you said in the initial message that file size is 150 000 lines of code? Is it correct?
If it’s the case, then side note - it’s a very big file. If it’s not a generated code, you might want to split it into smaller files.
Regarding the crash.
Our JS/TS analyzer is tested to work with 130k LOC file, so it can digest such big files but it depends. If it’s a single program in the one file, normally it should be good. If it’s a file of this size that is a part of the bigger program and it has calls and references to things defined in other files - then yes, it may be too big for the analyzer.
To proceed with investigation I think it would be very valuable to provide the reproducer project (or a single file, if it’s enough). It would tremendously help us to pinpoint and fix the issue.