I am trying to create a build pipeline for a WPF solution .But .XAML files are ignored by sonarqube .I did add AdditionalAnalysisfiletypes parameter in build arguments as per other threads on this forum ,but it doesnt work .
I am using prepare analysis for Sonarqube extension on azure devops version 5 . I want to scan those xaml files too.what can i do ??
I cant share logs files as I am under corporate network .
I set the property verbose = true ,but I don’t see xaml files in the logs .Is there anything I can do or check something in the logs?
Which rules are you expecting to be run, and are there specific issues you are expecting to see?
By default, the Scanner for .NET will make .xaml files with the build action Page available for analysis.
However, by default the XML analyzer won’t consider .xaml files, so you would need to manually configure that on the server.
Even if the XAML files are analyzed, only the general-purpose XML rules would be run against them - see here.