Sonarqube Developer - intermittant issues connecting to Github Enterprise

After reviewing the Sonarqube server logs I see 154 log messages that contain Pull Request decoration | status=SUCCESS | before any messages that contain Failed to request /repos/<org>/<repo>/installation are returned.

Spent a decent amount of time troubleshooting this today and it appears to be caused by the IP address of our GitHub Enterprise load balancer changing. Managed to validate that was occurring by utilizing sysdig to capture network/system calls and saw the old GHE IP address was present.

Fully fixed the issue by adding networkaddress.cache.ttl=60 to $JAVA_HOME/conf/security/ to force the Sonarqube ce process to only cache DNS results for 60 seconds.

Glad you found this! @Darragh_Grace can you give this solution a try and confirm that it resolve the issue for you as well ?

Sure, i’ll give it a try and report back

For future reference, we will fix the underlying issue: