SonarQube Coverage percentage shows aggregated coverage?


How is the SonarQube coverage report calculated/shown for multi-module maven projects? Is the percentage of code coverage an average of all modules or is it showing only the first report declared in “jacocoXmlReportPaths” setting? I’m asking because in a multi-module maven project, what I get locally from Jacoco coverage reports is different from what is showing in SonarQube coverage.



Welcome to the community!

The docs should help. Specifically:

Coverage ( coverage )
It is a mix of Line coverage and Condition coverage. Its goal is to provide an even more accurate answer to the following question: How much of the source code has been covered by the unit tests?

Coverage = (CT + CF + LC)/(2*B + EL)

I’ll let you read the rest in the docs if you’re intersted.



Thanks for the reply! I understand that it calculates with numbers of lines covered and conditions, etc, but I was wondering how is this done for multiple modules? There are multiple reports generated by jacoco per module and I was wondering if Sonar takes all of them and displays an average percentage? Or how are these reports shown in the SonarQube dashboard? Because, as I mentioned, what I get (per report) locally is 100%, but in Sonar it shows around 64%.

Hope you understand what I mean, thanks!


Module values aren’t averaged. Let’s say module boundaries are ignored and the values that are plugged into the formula come from across the entire code base.

Also, this may be relevant:
