SonarQube Community Build released

Hi all,

Sonar is proud to announce the January release of the SonarQube Community Build

This version introduces a faster loading of active rules during project analysis and other improvements.

Note that some deprecated complexity metrics are dropped now (details here).

Details are in the Release Notes. You’ll find all fixed tickets in the full release notes. Please open new threads for any questions you have about these or other features.

As usual, download is available at Docker image will be available shortly on Docker Hub.

In case you missed it, starting in December 2024 SonarQube Community Build replaces SonarQube Community Edition and is released monthly. Read more in this community post.

Elena & Chris


Hi Elena,

Please I would have to know what plugins versions are compatible with SonarQube Community v25.1.0.102122?

I see only 10.x versions

@Lena and @Chris,

I am just getting caught up on all the changes with SonarQube version offering changes. But I am still a bit confused and I am looking for some verification.

Here is my take and what I am looking for verification on.

  1. SonarQube Community Edition will no longer exists and starting as of 12/2024 has become SonarQube Community Build with monthly releases with version format “YY.M.0.BUilDNumber”. Currently that latest one as of this posting is
  2. Additionally there is no longer a “LTA” version at all? Currently as best I can tell the latest LTA version is/was “”. Will this be the last “LTA” versions? Are the monthly Community Build versions replacing what were the “LTA” versions?
  3. How does SonarQube Community Build relate to SonarQube server? Is it essentially the same thing but just the free and open source version?


Hi @Lena ,

I don’t see the Helm chart for this version. May I know if there is a timeline for its availability or if there is any workaround option available?

From the link posted above

Starting with the upcoming release in December 2024, the Community Build will adopt a new Calendar Versioning (CalVer) format. There will no longer be an LTA equivalent version for the Community Build.

Well things are confusing and seem to be getting more confusing each day when it comes to trying to figuring out what version are what.

I was just looking at the docs site and things have changed since yesterday.

One point of confusion is that SonarQube Community is called out as it’s own product now …

and going to the docs on “SonarQube | Community” there are no versions listed

Looking at “SonarQube | Server” the versions listed have changed and now there is a “2025.1 LTA” in addition to the “9.9 LTA”.

So are the versions “”, “”, and “” both SonarQube Community and SonarQube Server? Is the version “” the version of the “2025.1 LTA” docs listed under “SonarQube | Server”?

Also when trying to see what are the database requirements using the “Database requirements” link found within the document page contents found at this path “SonarQube | Server” - “Docs 2025.1 LTA” - “Server installation and setup” - “Installation requirements” - “Overview” resutls in a 404. Here is the full URL to the page with the link - Installation requirements overview | SonarQube Server Documentation. Here is the URL that the link wants to navigate to but gets a 404 - “

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We’re currently running the 9.9.8 LTA Community Edition and since the 2025.1 LTA was released we looked at the state of things to find out that the community edition is now a separate build with its own development lifecycle and there’s no community edition of 2025.1 LTA.

Alright, however what’s the upgrade path when one wants to stick with the community edition/build? This isn’t documented well it seems.

Docs for non-community editions state:

You can upgrade from the latest LTA version to the latest non-LTA version directly.

Is it valid for these new community builds as well? Can I go from 9.9.8 LTA to directly?
Or do I have to go via some intermediate version such as the first separate community build

And what about upgrading between these new community builds? Can I skip some/all, or do I have to go via all that are in-between? E.g. if I’m at and there’s (in the future) 25.2.0.something, can I upgrade to it directly, or do I need to upgrade to first?
Previously, it was necessary to go via all LTA releases that were in-between, but the situation is different now.

Hi @desertrat,

Let me try to answer your questions below:

  1. SonarQube Community Edition will no longer exists and starting as of 12/2024 has become SonarQube Community Build with monthly releases with version format “YY.M.0.BUilDNumber”. Currently that latest one as of this posting is

This is correct. Community Edition has been renamed Community Build and now has a new version scheme and release cadence that are different from those of the commercial editions.

  1. Additionally there is no longer a “LTA” version at all? Currently as best I can tell the latest LTA version is/was “”. Will this be the last “LTA” versions? Are the monthly Community Build versions replacing what were the “LTA” versions?

As mentioned in this community post referenced by @lva-itscope, there will no longer be an LTA equivalent for the Community Build. The LTA concept remains available for the commercial editions of SonarQuber Server. We’ve just announced some updates regarding it here.

  1. How does SonarQube Community Build relate to SonarQube server? Is it essentially the same thing but just the free and open source version?

The Community build provides a basic set of features to start with when you’re discovering SonarQube. It is free and continues to be open-source.
SonarQube Server editions bring many additional important features, such as support for branches and PRs, AI features (AI CodeFix, AI Code Assurance, autodetection of AI-generated code), the detection of injection vulnerabilities and advanced bugs, and much more. A good recap of the difference can be found here.

So are the versions “”, “”, and “” both SonarQube Community and SonarQube Server? Is the version “” the version of the “2025.1 LTA” docs listed under “SonarQube | Server”?

In short:

  • SonarQube Community, an open-source distribution, is released on a monthly basis. It has no LTA equivalent and now has a version with the following scheme: YY.M.0.BUILDNumber, eg.
  • SonarQube Server, our commercial product, is released approximately every two months. As just announced here, the version scheme of SonarQube Server becomes YYYY Release RELEASENumber, e.g. 2025 Release 1 (abbreviated as 2025.1). SonarQube Server LTA will be the Release 1, launched every 12 months.

Also when trying to see what are the database requirements using the “Database requirements” link found within the document page contents found at this path “SonarQube | Server” - “Docs 2025.1 LTA” - “Server installation and setup” - “Installation requirements” - “Overview” resutls in a 404. Here is the full URL to the page with the link - Installation requirements overview | SonarQube Server Documentation. Here is the URL that the link wants to navigate to but gets a 404 - “”

Thanks for reporting it. This is now fixed.


Awesome thank you so much. This is the information I was looking for, and clears everything up for me.

The plugins compatibility information for Community Build is available on another docs section here.

Hello @Venkat_Reddy

Since the SonarQube Community Build introduction, sonarqube Helm chart is released together with SonarQube Server every couple of months. So there is indeed a period when Helm chart will not “include” the latest Community Build, but you can rely on community.buildNumber to use a particular Community Build release.

You can find details on how to run the Helm chart for Community Build here.

Btw, as of today as I am late to answer :roll_eyes: the latest release of Helm chart 2025.1 already uses the latest SonarQube Community Build by default.