SonarQube code analysis stopped working in Azure DevOps

After some research, we found in this other post that the files are being requested from our own sonarqube installation: http(s)://<sonarserver:port/path>/api/plugins/download?plugin=<pluginname>&acceptCompressions=pack200

Also, in this post we found that the file is available in sonarqube_server_home/lib/scanner

We checked at the files in the server (scanner and plugins) and everything seemed okay but these bits of information helped us review and find a new network policy that was causing the issue.

Finally, we would like to know if there is a parameter in which we can specify the internal folder in which our self-hosted agents already have the scanner+plugins available to be used by the “Run Code Analysis” task (just so they don’t get re-downloaded when they’re already available).

Thanks in advance.