SonarQube Cloud Azure Pipeline tasks compability


I use AzureDevops with SonarCloud to analyze my projects. I use the SonarCloudPrepare v1, SonarCloudAnalyze v1 and SonarCloudPublish v1 tasks in my pipelines. Now I want to upgrade them to the newest ones. I can only find the SonarQubePrepare/Analyze/Publishv4-7 tasks, but they seem to require SonarQube Server since they require the SonarQube Server Endpoint parameter.

Are there no active versions for these tasks that work with SonarQube Cloud? I have tried looking for it in the documentation but all I found was a page that references v3 which I’m guessing is deprecated as the v4 and v5 versions are.

Do I need to but SonarQube Server or are there tasks that aren’t deprecated that I can use?

Hey there.

You’ll want to use the Azure DevOps Extension for SonarQube Cloud, which has different task versions (the latest being @3).

I expect we will at some point merge these two extensions and have more consistent versions, but right now the latest available task for SonarQubeCloud is @v3 (and don’t worry, it includes all the improvements that have made their way into higher-numbered versions of the SonarQube Server tasks).

Alright, super! Thank you!