Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):
- which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
sonarqube- server to display Jacoco pertest coverage - what are you trying to achieve
I wish to get the Lines Of Code for my tests classes inside a multimodule maven - Java based project. - what have you tried so far to achieve this
I have set up in parent pom as
And This is the high level project structure:
parent pom has two modules:
1st child module all classes are in the package : src/main/java
2nd child module all classes are in the package : src/test/java
I can see the LOC for the 1st module with no issues.
But the issue is with the 2nd module, where I do not get the LOC details in the dashboard. This is how I get in the analysis report: It conly counts the child pom lines in that module which is 72.
How to get the Code Lines of count from the second module src/test/java contained class files.