SonarQube can calculate CK metrics?

Can you tell me if SonarQube(SonarJava) can calculate CK metrics(6 metrics below)?
(I referred to rule for SonarJava, but it seems that SonarJava can calculate only Cyclomatic Complexity. Is my understanding correct?)

WMC : Weighted methods per class
DIT : Depth of Inheritance tree
NOC : Number Of Children
CBO : Coupling between object classes
RFC : Response for a class
LCOM : Lack of cohesion in Methods

Thank you.

Hi @MioInoue,

SonarQube doesn’t calculate these metrics and there’s no short-term plan to add them. We do, however, calculate Cognitive Complexity as well as Cyclomatic Complexity.



Hello @Cameron
Do you calculate LCOM for any languages or is the only metric Cognitive Complexity for all? The reason I’m asking is we see other posts saying Sonar uses LCOM4…

Hi @pwatSG,

Welcome to the Community! Can you give me a pointer to the other posts you’ve mentioned?



OK, I get about 28K results to the “LCOM in Sonar” search, so without going through the list I guess it’s old posts because Sonar no longer supports this?

Hi Cameron,
that answer doesn’t provide the ration behind it, which I’d be looking for. Do any other metrics supply the needed information? I am looking for method complexity etc.
Many thanks,

(PS. Long-term plans to add it?)