Sonarqube C/C++ warning path information

I am Iowa State University graduate student working prioritizing static warnings. I have tried out the Community edition, but it didn’t have support for C/C++. Hence asking here, in order to get some preliminary information before getting the developer edition.
I was wondering if its possible to export the path information associated with each static warning generated for a C/C++ warning ? From the brief interaction I had with other languages, it seems to give the path information for the warnings in the WebUI. I was wondering if its possible to export just the filename & line numbers.

Hello @ashwinkj,

You can look at the web API (there is a link to this documentation in the footer of the SonarQube page) for a programmatic way to access analysis results.

And if you are working on open-source projects, you can also use SonarCloud :sonarcloud: for free (no web API, but C & C++ analyses are available if you want to look at the results we can provide).

Thank you for pointing towards SonarCloud and the web API. I will take a look.


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