SonarQube badges blocked by NotSameOrigin

Comment in sonar.lf.logoUrl is broken after upgrade from SonarQube 10.4.1 to 10.5.0 touched the issue that SonarQube badges are not working (SonarQube Enterprise Edition v10.5.1 (90531)).

To me it was unclear whether the logoUrl fix [SONAR-22149] - Jira will also address broken badges or not?

Tried with Confluence and Bitbucket, using markdown or image only links, but these all fail with Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE.NotSameOrigin error in browser console. Even tried with simple local html (but now I am not sure should it or did it ever work):

    <img src="">

Hey @terok!

Just confirmed with our devs that the ticket you referenced will also fix badges.


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