Sonarqube auth in gitlab


  • I am using sonarqube Version 8.4.1 (build 35646) running in podman latest version.
  • I’m trying to auth in sonarqube via gitlab
  1. Снимок экрана от 2020-08-21 12-18-47

  2. Снимок экрана от 2020-08-21 12-22-57

Unfortunately, I did not find the answer to my question in the topics.

Tried changing redirect uri to:

  1. (instructions,-You%20can%20delegate&text=Create%20a%20GitLab%20OAuth%20application,%2Foauth2%2Fcallback%2Fgitlab%20 )

  2. tried to substitute / auth / gitlab / callback and / users / auth / gitlab / callback (according to the main instructions

  3. then I assumed that Gitlab was making a request to localhost: 9000 and therefore changed the address to IP: 9000

can u help me?

Hi @wibzik and welcome to this community forum !

First of all, could you please check that you’ve correctly set the “Server base URL” setting (In “Administration” > “General Settings”).

Thanks !

its wotking, thank u :slight_smile:

saw this problem in other topics, but didt find this setting on my own and decided that the difference is in versions)

Thanks for having shared with us that you’ve solved your issue !

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