Sonarqube 9.9LTS is up but sonar.log is never being created (ws.log and access.log are)

Make sure to tell us:
SonarQube is up and running database connected and I can login fine.
all other logs are being created with no issues.
Installed fresh 9.9 LTS
RHEL 8.0
ORACLE Java 17
PostgreSQL 13 (Latest supported on RHEL)

  • What version are you upgrading from?
    none Installed fresh 9.9 LTS
  • System information (Operating system, Java version, Database provider/version)
    RHEL 8.0
    ORACLE Java 17
    PostgreSQL 13 (Latest supported on RHEL)
  • What’s the issue you’re facing?
    no sonar.log being created ( I have a 500GB SSD drive with the directories
    /temp and /data created for logs etc. it cannot be a memory or disk issue.
    I have logs set to DEBUG level.

( I see some discussion of a wrapper app? not sure if that is required. I start sonarqube via sysctl start sonarqube.service and do not get any errors in es.log or web.log)
Also - It does not affect the sonarqube operation.

Hey there.

It’s weird that you say a ws.log file was created… as there shouldn’t be any file with that name. :thinking: What’s inside it?