I have detected the following problem in Sonarqube.
In the projects tab of the applications menu, when I change between the new code and overall options, it shows me the same information (the one regarding the overall).
Hi, there!
I am currently taking a look on this issue, and it turns out that there is no “new_*” measures in the response from the server.
Server response:
I have reproduced the issue on SonarQube 9.9.1 and 9.9.2, both with Developer and Enterprise Editions. I don’t have access to any instances with previous versions nor Data Center.
In other views where we can select new or overall code, we always find the measures above mentioned:
Maybe its a bug?
It also catches my eye we have not the new - overall selector in this view in 10.2. It is maybe a feature gradually tending to dissapear?
Thank you,
Hi all,
@Albert welcome to the community!
We do not support the “New Code” measures for this particular page.
And as @mbastardo.excentia correctly noted, starting from SonarQube 10.2 we removed the switcher from the UI to avoid confusion.
Thank you,
hello everyone,
thanks for your answers
Viktor, is there any fix planned for the LTS versions?
Thanks you,
Hi, Viktor.
Since is a feature not available in 9.9.2 and it won’t be repaired nor implemented:
Will it be to much to ask for the deletion of the switcher in the next iteration of the 9.9LTS (9.9.3)?
Thank you,
Hi @Mario,
This problem seems to have a minor impact and, as such, doesn’t qualify for a fix in the 9.9LTS.
According to our policy, only the most critical bugs (and vulnerabilities) are released in the LTS.
Thanks for your understanding,
Hi @Chris,
I don’t understand. This is a commercial feature and all the customers are hitting the bug.
Are you forcing all your commercial customers to have a bugged UI for more than one year until the next LTS version is released?
Policy says: “One of the benefits of adopting the LTS is the guarantee of stability in features and user experience”
Are you saying that “Stability in features and user experience” is to have one button that doesn’t work at all?
Could you please reconsider this fix to the next LTS patch?
Best regards.
Hi @acalero,
LTS users prioritize stability. To avoid unforeseen consequences, we are very careful with the changes we make and we generally limit the patches we release to the most critical bugs and to the real security risks.
However, in that specific case, this toggle generates confusion, and removing it appears to be low-impact. This is something we should be able to fix in the next bug-fix release of the LTS.