SonarQube 9.6.1 Failure - NullPointerException at ScmInfoRepositoryImpl.removeAuthorAndRevision

Just to update.

Once this problem starts with the branch analyses on a repository, then all future branch analyses on that repository fail.

Running this analysis for the branch on a staging instance with the same setup is successful.

Note that the same problem is also reported by Guarav Singh in his comment here:

This seems like a data problem, such as from a failed earlier process to harvest scm information. I see the comment on the file with the method that is throwing the exception in the github repo about Sonar using existing data in the database.

It would be good to understand the root cause of this and whether this can be fixed by either removing the analysis and analysing every branch again, or removing all but the main branch analysis (to retain the history).

Presently this is blocking our releases.

Any help appreciated.

