SonarQube 7.8 on IIS with ADFS SAML 2.0 authentication

Hi all,

I just put together a guide for those of you that need to run on Microsoft Windows.

It covers configuring the reverse proxy, setting up things and getting ADFS SAML 2.0 authentication to work with ADFS 5.0 (Win2019).

I hope someone out there finds this useful.

EDIT: link updated Configuring SonarQube 7.8 on Windows 2019 with ADFS SAML 2.0 authentication and IIS reverse proxy – Hnetusmjö


Hi @jjs,

Thanks for sharing! I’ve moved this to the Guides category for you.


Hi @jjs,

very usefull post.
I am trying to setup following the guide.
I am using sonar 8.9 lts instead of sonar 7.8, but the difference are minimal.
I am getting an error when I try to use the saml authentication.
Can you help me?

The error is shown in the image below.
Looks like the url of the postback isn’t reweritten with the URL of the reverse proxy

Kind regards
