SonarQube 7.5 error with Azure DevOps Task fails on other branches ""

When running SonarQube Analysis on Azure DevOps with any branch other than master, I am receiving the error below. Attempted to add the additional property '$(Branch.SourceBranchName) but that did nothing…

Hello @andysuiter ,

I know this thread is a bit old - I will still answer it because I am working on a similar topic at the moment and I think I can safely give some context for anyone who will find this thread later.

To do branch analysis, you need the Developer Edition or above. That may be what is wrong with your specific case.

However, if you are trying to analyze your main branch and you are using the Community Edition, there is a known limitation on the latest task version (5+). If you are not using Azure Repo, your default branch must be named “master”. We do not support other names at the moment.

I hope this helps

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