We have a SonarQube 7.1 installation. It was a community edition. We bought a 250000 line license for developer edition. I applied it from the Marketplace view. All good.
Now we have bought a 500000 line license and want to apply it.
I know this sounds like a silly question.
But, for the life of me, I can’t find a license field to paste the new license in.
I had the community edition and applied the license. Through the market place. I assumed it downloaded and installed the developer edition.
But I think I may know what has happened. The instance is running as a docker container on a kubernetes cluster. The container has been brought down and up again, which probably means the installed developer edition was probably lost.
Yes, I was thinking about just downgrading in marketplace and then upgrading as a quick short term solution. Then afterwards rebuild my docker image with the developer addition and redeploy.