Sonarqube 10.6, error in conf/ comment


the /conf/ has this comment

#----- Microsoft SQLServer 2014/2016/2017/2019/2022 and SQL Azure
# A database named sonar must exist and its collation must be case-sensitive (CS) and accent-sensitive (AS)
# Use the following connection string if you want to use integrated security with Microsoft Sql Server
# Do not set sonar.jdbc.username or sonar.jdbc.password property if you are using Integrated Security
# For Integrated Security to work, you have to download the Microsoft SQL JDBC Auth 12.4.2 package from
# and 'mssql-jdbc_auth-12.4.2.x64.dll' to your path.

As Sonarqube 10.6 ships with mssql-jdbc-12.6.1.jre11.jar the wrong comment already exists for a while.

should be

# For Integrated Security to work, you have to download the Microsoft SQL JDBC Auth 12.6.1 package from
# and 'mssql-jdbc_auth-12.6.1.x64.dll' to your path.


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Hello @anon67236913 thanks for signaling this.
We noticed that the Official Documentation was properly updated, but not the mention of the driver in the file.

A Jira has been created to fix this for good from version 10.7.

Thanks for the precious feedback,