SonarLint with IntelliJ on Mac on Java 11 JRE

I updated IntelliJ 2019.1 configuration to use the internal JRE (11-internal+125) provided by JB, because IDEA 2019.1 has an issue running on Java 8 - it hangs when the computer wakes up after sleeping. The solution from JB is to run on their internal JRE and it has to be Java 11. IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1 freezes on macOS after computer’s wakeup.

The problem is that SonarLint requires Java 8. Is there a path to upgrade this to Java 11 or is there a way I can get the current SonarLint plugin to run with Java 11?

Hi Michael,
SonarLint requires Java8+. You shouldn’t have problems running SonarLint with Java 11. Please let us know if you experience any problem.