Does SonarLint for IntelliJ download plugins even when connected to a self-hosted SQ server? On my logs, I see just Downloaded plugin list in 252ms
and no other mention of downloading any specific code analyzers. Even if they were SQ maintained. I also do have my project binded and have tried clearing the cache/storage. Here is a quick review of my logs:
Downloaded plugin list in 252ms
Downloaded settings in 267ms
Using storage for server 'Sonar Server' (last update 10/23/19 12:02 PM)
Server binding 'Sonar Server' updated
Downloaded settings in 443ms
Project 'microapp-project' in server binding 'Sonar Server' updated
Clearing all issues because binding was updated
Using configuration of 'microapp-project' in server 'Sonar Server'
Analysing 16 files...
Found 0 issues
Note: Notice how I analyzed 16 files, with lint mentioning that there still was zero issues. However, when analyzing this same project on the server, I can clearly see many different issues.
SonarQube Version: 7.1
SonarLint Version: SonarLint IntelliJ