SonarLint seems to not download plugins from a self hosted SQ server

Does SonarLint for IntelliJ download plugins even when connected to a self-hosted SQ server? On my logs, I see just Downloaded plugin list in 252ms and no other mention of downloading any specific code analyzers. Even if they were SQ maintained. I also do have my project binded and have tried clearing the cache/storage. Here is a quick review of my logs:

Downloaded plugin list in 252ms
Downloaded settings in 267ms
Using storage for server 'Sonar Server' (last update 10/23/19 12:02 PM)
Server binding 'Sonar Server' updated
Downloaded settings in 443ms
Project 'microapp-project' in server binding 'Sonar Server' updated
Clearing all issues because binding was updated
Using configuration of 'microapp-project' in server 'Sonar Server'
Analysing 16 files...
Found 0 issues

Note: Notice how I analyzed 16 files, with lint mentioning that there still was zero issues. However, when analyzing this same project on the server, I can clearly see many different issues.

SonarQube Version: 7.1
SonarLint Version: SonarLint IntelliJ


SonarLint will indeed download plugins from the server in connected mode, and not use the one embedded. This is to ensure similar behavior (different versions of our analyzers could produce different issues for the same code/rule).

You can enable verbose logs to see more details of what is happening during the update of the binding.

Also, if you have not the same issues reported by SonarLint and the server, this might come from various reasons (for example third party rules). Please read the FAQ for more details.