Is connected mode used: Yes with SonarQube server 10.8
SonarQube Cloud, SonarQube Server, or SonarQube Community Build? (if one of the latter two, which version?):
And a thorough description of the problem / question:
SonarQube for IDE is scanning all the files in the project for issues instead of just the open ones. This is causing performance issues. Updating and Re-installing SonarLint did not work.
SonarQube for IDE analyzes all files that are open in the editor. To achieve this, we rely on the textDocument/didOpen notifications sent from the IDE to our language server. Based on your logs, I am almost sure that one of the extensions (possibly an APEX-specific VS Code extension) is triggering such didOpen events for all (or a certain subset of) .cls files in your project. SonarQube for IDE tries to double-check whether these files are actually open or not, and that’s why there are a lot of log lines saying the analysis will be skipped for files not open in the editor. Unfortunately, we currently don’t have a 100% precise heuristic to determine whether the file is actually open in the editor or not.
To double-check this, you could drop "sonarlint.trace.server": "verbose" line in your VS Code USER settings file, restart VS Code and observe textDocument/didOpen events appearing in the logs.
TL;DR; What we are actively working on (literally as we speak) is improving the performance of analysis. You should be seeing continuous improvements in the upcoming versions.