Sonarlint Language Server Cannot Be Built

Hello Sonar Team,

I hope that this is the correct place to report some issues (On Github they are disabled and on I don’t have any permissions to create issues).

I failed to build the sonarlint language server from source because the two specified versions of the sonar text and the csharp dependency are not present in Maven Central.

I quickly opened a pull request which solves the problem by changing the versions to ones which are available in Maven central: Fix Build: Replace Unavailable Analyzers Versions With Available Ones From Maven Central by tricktron · Pull Request #427 · SonarSource/sonarlint-language-server · GitHub.

It would be nice if you could merge this upstream so that I can update the sonarlint-language-server package in nixpkgs.

Kind regards and happy holidays,

Hi there @tricktron, welcome to Sonar Community! :wave: :sonar:

You have definitely come to the correct place :slight_smile:

Thanks for raising the topic. We will have a look at the PR.

All the best,

Necessary changes have been merged. :hugs:

Thanks again and all the best,

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