SonarLint is not analysing the Mulesoft Quality Profile from SonarQube instance

Hello hello!

After MUCH fighting with my companies proxy I have finally managed to install SonarLint on the Mulesoft Anypoint Studio (an IDE built on top of Eclipse).

I have successfully bound a project to our SonarQube instance however the Mulesoft Profile is not being checked when I make changes to the code that should show an error, at this point I have read all of the threads related to this but none have answered my questions. I may have missed some configurations somewhere as I am the second person to pick this up but hopefully someone can help me here.

SonarLint version: 7.1.0
SonarQube version:
SonarLint Console Output with Verbose:

SonarLint processing file /cssr-csb-s-TRAILS-party/src/main/mule/configs/s-trails-party-global-configs.xml...
Connected mode (using configuration of 'c584c989-fc3c-45ae-8846-XXXXXXXXXXXX:s-TRAILS-party' in connection 'sonar-mule.XXXXXXXXXXXX')
Starting analysis with configuration:
  projectKey: c584c989-fc3c-45ae-8846-XXXXXXXXXXXX:s-TRAILS-party
  baseDir: C:\Program Files\Anypoint\Projects\Mule4\cssr-csb-s-TRAILS-party
  extraProperties: {, XX
  moduleKey: null
  inputFiles: [
    file:/C:/Program%20Files/Anypoint/Projects/Mule4/cssr-csb-s-TRAILS-party/src/main/mule/configs/s-trails-party-global-configs.xml (UTF-8)

Creating container for module with key=null
Start analysis
Index files
1 file indexed
Available languages:
  * Scala => "scala"
  * Python => "py"
  * Java => "java"
  * HTML => "web"
  * JSP => "jsp"
  * XML => "xml"
  * Kotlin => "kotlin"
  * PHP => "php"
  * Secrets => "secrets"
  * Ruby => "ruby"
Quality profiles:
  * java: 'Sonar way' (423 rules)
  * jsp: 'Sonar way' (0 rules)
  * kotlin: 'Sonar way' (29 rules)
  * php: 'Sonar way' (112 rules)
  * py: 'Sonar way' (115 rules)
  * ruby: 'Sonar way' (28 rules)
  * scala: 'Sonar way' (28 rules)
  * web: 'Sonar way' (27 rules)
  * xml: 'Sonar way' (6 rules)
'JavaSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'Scala Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'Python Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
Execute Sensor: JavaXmlSensor
1 source file to be analyzed
1/1 source file has been analyzed
Execute Sensor: HTML
'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'Kotlin Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project
Execute Sensor: Sonar Secrets Detection Sensor
'Ruby Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
Found 0 issue(s)
Done in 70 ms
Download server issues for /cssr-csb-s-TRAILS-party/src/main/mule/configs/s-trails-party-global-configs.xml
GET 200 https://sonar-mule.XXXXXXXXXXXX/batch/issues?key=c584c989-fc3c-45ae-8846-XXXXXXXXXXXX%3As-TRAILS-party%3Asrc%2Fmain%2Fmule%2Fconfigs%2Fs-trails-party-global-configs.xml | response time=58ms
Downloaded issues in 58ms
GET 200 https://sonar-mule.XXXXXXXXXXXX/api/developers/search_events?projects=c584c989-fc3c-45ae-8846-XXXXXXXXXXXX%3As-TRAILS-party&from=2021-11-09T14%3A58%3A41%2B1000 | response time=40ms
GET 200 https://sonar-mule.XXXXXXXXXXXX/api/developers/search_events?projects=c584c989-fc3c-45ae-8846-XXXXXXXXXXXX%3As-TRAILS-party&from=2021-11-09T14%3A58%3A41%2B1000 | response time=46ms

I’ve sanitised the logs and removed some of the extraProperties as it was quite long but hopefully this will be enough information.


Hello, welcome to the community! And thank you for your question.

As stated in the FAQ, third party analyzers are not executed in SonarLint, only those provided by SonarSource.

Thanks Jean-Baptiste,
I misunderstood what the FAQ meant by third party analyzers, no problem at all. Thank you for your response.


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