(Khashayar Haghighi)
January 4, 2024, 7:53pm
Please provide
Operating system: WSL Ubuntu 20.04
Visual Studio version: 1.58.2
SonarLint plugin version: 3.6.0
Programming language you’re coding in: C#
Is connected mode used: yes
Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version): SonarQube developer version 9.9
And a thorough description of the problem / question:
SonarLint in VScode doesn’t identify my code smells
January 16, 2024, 8:16am
Hey there.
Khashayar Haghighi:
SonarLint plugin version: 3.6.0
This is a pretty outdated version! Can you try using the latest version, v4.2.2 ? If the issue persists, can you confirm the langauge(s) you’re expecitng to see code smells on?
This FAQ might also help you (specifically the section Troubleshooting unexpected analysis results (even with Connected Mode)?
SonarLint FAQ
How to ask for help?
Please describe your issue with a maximum of details. We will likely ask you for this information and it’s helpful if you include it upfront:
Your IDE flavor/version/OS: example: Eclipse 2023-09 on MacOSX
Your SonarLint version:
Is Connected Mode used (Y/N):
If yes, to which version of SonarQube, or is it SonarCloud?
If you are using the Connected Mode on SonarQube, what are the installed analyzers? You can easily get a list by opening https://<SQ s…