I know there is a SonarQube plugin for Erlang by the community.
But I would like to run it locally using SonarLint. Is there some porting guide or similar since the API for plugins on the server and SonarLint seems to be a little bit different?
I realize that SonarLint doesn’t support Erlang so I have to overcome that too in some way. But that I think I have solved.
Third party analyzers are not executed in SonarLint
Some issues may be reported in SonarQube by a plugin leveraging a third party analyzer (PMD, Checkstyle, ESLint, PyLint, …). SonarLint will only run rules from SonarSource analyzers including custom rules extending SonarSource analyzers . Third party analyzers usually have their own IDE integration, so we have no plan to run them in SonarLint.
Felipe’s answer is correct, I would just add that as SonarLint is open source, you can fork it and modify this whitelist. The language support for each IDE varies, you can find an example here for IntelliJ.
There are some specificities for SonarLint, but the same plugin can work in SonarLint and SonarQube context. I encourage you to give a try and come back with more specific questions if you have any