We are pleased to announce new version of SonarLint for Eclipse.
Changes for this version:
We added rule parameters configuration for projects that are not bound to SonarQube or SonarCloud:
18 new code quality rules
Support Typeshed packages,
4 new type checking rules related to operators, calls, item and iterable operations
Rules targeting AssertJ
Rules targeting regexp and support of Java 14
See full release notes here
This version is available from Eclipse marketplace .
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July 23, 2020, 3:46pm
Nice!!! i had a question for Vulnerabilities, Is there a plan to add this scope in Sonarlint?
Hello Crispin.
Thank you for your question.
We have some security vulnerabilities detection in SonarLint already.
Like rules below:
Encryption algorithms should be used with secure mode and padding scheme
LDAP deserialization should be disabled
LDAP connections should be authenticated
and many others from this list .
But also we have number of rules that can be analysed only on SonarQube/SonarCloud. And speaking about them - yes, we have a plan to support browsing of this issues in SonarLint. It’s in the road map for this year.
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