My co-worker and I are both using the SonarLint 2022 extension for Visual Studio 2022. Yesterday, he reported that his extension had stopped highlighting issues and the only difference between our instances was that he had upgraded to VS 17.5.1. At the time, I was on version 17.4.4 and everything was working as normal.
Any feedback or logs I could get someone that would be helpful? More and more of my coworkers are not able to use Sonarlint which impacts us because we use a quality gate on our builds. We can’t see issues before check ins. It also does not work on Visual Studio 17.5.3.
I think this is related to a bug the Sonar DotNet team raised against Roslyn couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that anyone has looked at the issue yet.
I’ve just tested against VS v17.5.3 and 17.6.0 Preview 2 and unfortunately the problem still exists.
As a workaround, I was able to explicitly enable rules in an .editorconfig file e.g.
# S3776: Cognitive Complexity of methods should not be too high
dotnet_diagnostic.S3776.severity = warning