SonarLint 10.4.2: Not showing any issue in Intellij after connected to SonarQube

Hi @Damien_Urruty,

I did use that rule as an example. But actually, all Java issues are not shown by SonarLint in IntelliJ when I’m in connected mode to an Enterprise SonarQube instances with my custom java plugin installed. But issues are shown when I’m in connected mode to a Community SonarQube instances with my custom java plugin installed. Like what is discussed in Can’t analysis for Java code with the sonarlint plugin (intellij) linked to sonarqube - Clean Code / Report False-positive / False-negative… - Sonar Community ( which I included as well in previous reply. The rules used in my quality profile are from SonarQube Java, Security SonarAnalyzer Java, a custom Java plugin, jDepends plugin. Where in the link included, the user was using only using rules from the findbugs plugin.

The rule that is shown on SonarQube was Java static code analysis ( but it is not shown by SonarLint in IntelliJ when in connected mode on Enterprise SonarQube Instance. But this issue is shown when in connected mode on Community SonarQube Instance. Both instance with the custom Java and jDepends plugins installed.

I hope this make it clear enough.