- What language is this for? JavaScript
- Which rule? no-empty-collection (from eslint-plugin-sonarjs)
- Why do you believe it’s a false-positive/false-negative? executing the code works fine but the rule reports a bug
- How can we reproduce the problem? Give us a self-contained snippet of code (formatted text, no screenshots)
The bug can be reproduced in this dedicated repository: GitHub - DamienCassou/sonarjs-issue-no-empty-collection-logical-or-assignement: Reproduce an issue with sonarjs/no-empty-collection and logical OR assignment..
The problematic code is:
let strings = [];
// no-empty-collection reports an issue here. This is ok because the
// code below "expands" to `strings[1] = strings[1] || "foo"` and the
// 2nd `strings[1]` is noncompliant:
strings[1] ||= "foo";
// no-empty-collection reports an issue here. This is wrong because at
// this point strings[1] contains "foo":
if (strings[1]) {
// Same here. Executing this program prints "foo" further confirming
// that the `if` statement above is correct: