Sonargraph Integration: sonarqube-report.xml not found

Hi Everyone,
i hope someone can help me, to fix my problem:

i use sonargraph Integration plugin for display sonargraph Metrics on Sonarqube using gradle.
built successfully and the sonarqube-report.xml is created, but not into the “Target” path. It exist unter the “Build” of the project-path

So when i run < gradlew sonarqube > sonarqube-report.xml is not found.

here issues I get:

C:\Users\woumgama\Documents\bahninformationservice\bahninformationservice>gradlew build sonargraphReport
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 incompatible and 1 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details

Task :bootJar UP-TO-DATE
Property ‘bootInf’ is not annotated with an input or output annotation. This behaviour has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 7.0. See Authoring Tasks for more details.

Task :bootStartScripts UP-TO-DATE
Property ‘mainClassName’ is annotated with @Optional that is not allowed for @Internal properties. This behaviour has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 7.0. See Authoring Tasks for more details.

Task :sonargraphReport
Check if a new matching version can be downloaded.
Using SonargraphBuild installation: SonargraphBuild-
Adding report format ‘xml’, because prepareForSonarQube is configured.
Starting SonargraphBuild [Client: Gradle, Version: 10.2.1] …
Memory Info: 135M[used] 189M[free] 325M[allocated] 455M[max]
Starting OSGi container…


Task :sonargraphReport
Started SonargraphBuild []
Report ‘bahninformationservice_2020-07-29_06-19-22’ was successfully created
Memory Info: 59M[used] 298M[free] 358M[allocated] 455M[max]
Stopped SonargraphBuild after 12509 ms.
SonargraphBuild: Completed successfully after 12616 ms.
SonargraphBuild auto-update info: Most recent version ‘SonargraphBuild-’ is already installed.

15 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 14 up-to-date

C:\Users\woumgama\Documents\bahninformationservice\bahninformationservice>gradlew sonarqube

Task :sonarqube
SonarScanner will require Java 11 to run starting in SonarQube 8.x
Sonargraph Integration: XML report file ‘C:\Users\woumgama\Documents\bahninformationservice\bahninformationservice\target\sonargraph\sonargraph-sonarqube-report.xml’ not found

4 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 3 up-to-date


I’m not sure the maintainers of that plugin hang around here watching for issues with it. You’ll probably do better to go open an issue on the GitHub project.


I will,
thanks you

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