SonarCloud Warning - Type is unavailable for declaration FUN]

  • ALM used Azure DevOps
  • CI system used Azure DevOps
  • Scanner command used when applicable (private details masked)
  • Languages of the repository Java
  • Error observed
    ``` ERROR Cannot analyse 'data/src/main/java/**//DataModules.kt’ with ‘KtChecksVisitor’: Expected unresolved ErrorType but UNAVAILABLE_TYPE_FOR_DECLARATION found for [Error type: Type is unavailable for declaration FUN]

Any suggestions how to fix the warning?

Hey there.

Can you share this specific file? I can also open up a private message if you aren’t comfortable sharing it publicly.

If you need to exclude this file from analysis for now, you can always adjust the analysis scope.

I don’t want to exclude the file in analysis scope. Please open a private message session, I will share the file.

@Colin Can you please share the link to upload file?

I sent you a private message.

You can find it here!